
Archive for August, 2009

“muchacha sucia”

August 31, 2009 2 comments

“dirty girl”  is all in reference to the “grungy laundromat themed photoshoot” that I did with local photographer. Anyways, this was a last minute shoot that sounded like something I’d like to do. It consisted of 2 make up artists, 4 girls and 2 photogs. It was a really cool theme, anyways, I’m happy with it, I’ve been playing a lot more in Lightroom 2 as well. Lighting was pretty simple I used a ab800 camera right 1/4 power in a 54″ photek softliter, and sb800 for a rim at about 50mm 1/8 to 1/16th power. I wish i had a set of grids during this shoot, so much that when I got home I ordered a set of 7″ grids for my alienbees, and a 22″grid for my beauty dish for next shoot!!

don’t mind the edits, I thought they were suiting to the location/grungyness of the image. kind of went for that desaturated/bump in contrast “pin up style” edit.

and lastly heres molly kaiser, i actually took a setup shot of this one which i’m proud of since i usually pack up with the quickness and leave!

heres the setup shot: btw, voice activated light stand only used for this shot, i thought it would be like extra eye candy! =P

on a more personal note, I had a pretty big oral surgery the morning after the shoot, and well i’m now minus one wisdom tooth, and 2 problematic teeth, and minus a little bit of bone from my jaw……sounds fun right? If a dentist tells you, you might need a bone graft? that means you might be SOL, and in for a crap ton of pain. just a little random FYI….

more updates coming! check back soon!!!